Home / Blog / Why Are SSD Claims Denied?

You paid into the Social Security Administration (SSA) for your entire working life, so why did it deny your Social Security Disability (SSD) claim when you got sick or injured and could no longer work? It’s a question that baffles many Alabama residents. If you were turned down, you’re not alone.

Around 60 percent of first-time applicants are denied, and many get denied a second time when they appeal the SSA’s decision. Getting denied can feel like a major setback. But having an experienced Alabama Social Security Disability lawyer on your side to help you through the appeals process can increase your chances of getting the benefits you and your family deserve.

At Norris Injury Lawyers, we know the ins-and-outs of the SSA’s approval and appeals process. Some of the most common reasons that claims are initially denied include:

  • Lack of evidence proving your disability When it comes to providing evidence of a disability, the burden of proof is always on the applicant, not the SSA. Even if the SSA sends you to a specific doctor, it’s still your responsibility to obtain medical records that plainly indicate you are disabled due to an injury or illness.
  • Missing or incomplete paperwork – The SSA wants thorough documentation of everything, and it all must be accurate, complete, and submitted on time. When paperwork is missing or not filled out completely, applicants may not get a second chance—instead, they’ll receive a denial letter.

Don’t put your family’s future at risk. Get an advocate on your side who knows the SSA’s processes. We want to help you get the results you need, so contact us today for a free consultation.