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Alabama Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

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Often, we plan for the best things in life. We may eagerly anticipate graduations, weddings, and the birth of children. When an unexpected event occurs, though, we may have no idea where to turn.

Every year, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) intrude on the lives of some 10,000 families in Alabama. The injured person might experience long-lasting cognitive, behavioral, and physical disabilities. Some might never resume school or work. Others need round-the-clock care.

When life takes a sudden turn, Norris Injury Lawyers is ready to share our experience and knowledge of Alabama injury law with you. Our law firm is dedicated to serving the legal needs of Alabama, residents. We realize that life might never be the same, but we can help you make it better than it is now.

Our personal injury attorneys have a record of successful outcomes for Alabama traumatic brain injury survivors and their families. Would you like to learn how a traumatic brain injury claim can improve your life? Call (800) 477-7510 to schedule a free legal consultation today

What You Should Know About Alabama Personal Injury Accidents 

When your loved one was diagnosed with a TBI, you might have wondered if things could get any worse. Yet, the repercussions of traumatic brain injuries often last for years after the accident.

Personal injury law provides financial compensation for victims of preventable accidents or intentional wrongdoing. You might be thinking, “Money could never make up for a traumatic brain injury.” Of course, you are right. Nevertheless, after an injury, you will need help to take care of your loved one in the best way possible. And the responsible party can and should be held accountable for his or her actions. 

Failing to take reasonable care to avoid causing injury to others is negligence. As humans, we have duties to each other, depending on the circumstances and the relationship between the parties involved.

Hospitals hold a clear responsibility to their patients. They should perform at a certain level of expertise. Doctors and nurses must avoid risky behaviors that could hurt their patients. For instance, refusing to wash their hands before surgery could result in infection. Therefore, performing operations in unhygienic conditions could be deemed medical malpractice. 

The responsibilities of strangers toward each other might not be as obvious, but it is still important. The drivers on the road with you, for example, must take care to keep from causing a preventable accident. An intoxicated driver would breach his duty to any other motorists he injures in a car accident.

Traumatic brain injuries could result from many different types of personal injury accidents:

  • Motor vehicle accidents: In 2018, most of the 34,263 car accidents in Jefferson County were relatively minor. Yet, a serious car accident can cause traumatic brain injuries or death.
  • Medical malpractice: Malpractice is when a medical professional fails to treat a patient properly. 
  • Defective consumer products or medical devices: When products, including vehicles, mechanical equipment, and medical devices, are improperly designed or manufactured, they can cause traumatic brain injuries. Distributors must also warn consumers of potential hazards.
  • Premises liability accidents: Under Alabama law, negligent property owners might be liable if someone is hurt or killed on their properties.
  • Wrongful death accidents: Traumatic brain injury is a major cause of death in the United States. If negligence caused the TBI, our law firm can pursue compensation in a wrongful death claim.

Why Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Need Financial Security in Alabama

Traumatic brain injuries disrupt normal brain function. Sometimes, the effects of a TBI are short-lived, but often impairments last for the rest of the victims’ lives. Some symptoms of traumatic brain injury are:

  • Cognitive impairment
  • Problems with memory
  • Physical disabilities
  • Sensation disorders (e.g. hearing, vision)
  • Emotional issues (e.g. depression, personality changes)
  • Coma
  • Reduced life span 

It’s just not fair for an innocent person to face these difficulties due to someone else’s negligence. Though an insurance company’s settlement offer might seem reasonable at first, in a short time, you might regret not consulting a professional about the actual value of your personal injury claim. 

The Alabama brain injury attorneys at Norris Injury Lawyers see the big picture. We can help you seek financial relief for past medical bills as well as expensive obstacles to come in the future. Find out what your case is worth by calling (800) 477-7510 or contacting us via the “Live Chat” icon on your screen. 

How Traumatic Brain Injury Compensation Can Transform Your Life

The financial hardship brought about by a traumatic brain injury is only compounded if the injured individual is unable to work. Parents with traumatic brain injuries face unique challenges. New symptoms can become apparent as children develop. If your children attend school, learning disabilities and emotional issues can pose a challenge.

With over 40 years of experience, our law firm has the knowledge and resources to help you recover maximum financial damages. In an Alabama brain injury case, a personal injury lawyer could win life-changing compensation.

Medical expenses

The initial medical treatment of an Alabama brain injury can cost thousands of dollars. Most insurance coverage is capped at a specific amount or after a certain period of time. Once the policy reaches its limit, how will you pay for hospitalizations, rehabilitation, and long-term nursing care?

Current and future lost income

Accident victims and their relatives often miss work during hospitalization and recovery. To regain their strength and mobility, those suffering from TBI injuries might require rehabilitative treatment for years after the incident. Those who do not fully recuperate may struggle to earn what they need to support their family. 

Permanent disability settlements

Some brain injuries are so severe that the hurt individual can never work again. A forward-looking lawyer will always pursue damages for what your loved one would have reasonably expected to earn. 

Property damage

If your belongings were damaged, such as a vehicle in a car accident, you can seek damages to repair or replace it.

Physical pain and suffering

If brain injuries are causing your loved one pain, he or she might be entitled to compensation from the responsible party. 

Mental and emotional anguish

At Norris Injury Lawyers, we sympathize with accident victims experiencing physical pain, emotional pain, and loss of employment. From fear and anger to anxiety and grief, emotional distress can lead to depression, insomnia, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Our compassionate personal injury attorneys consider how your accident changed your life when fighting for your rights.

Wrongful death benefits 

If a negligent or reckless act robbed you of your loved one, you could qualify for wrongful death compensation. These damages cover economic losses, such as the expenses of your loved one’s funeral, cremation, or burial. 

A brain injury lawyer will also determine if you qualify for non-economic losses. For instance, if you lost your spouse, loss of consortium damages recognize the loss of the marital bond. Parents and children might be compensated for their loss of companionship, guidance, and support.

Punitive damages 

Punitive damages punish wrongdoers for intentionally reckless or negligent actions. Not many cases qualify for punitive damages. Courts base the amount of punitive damages on the compensatory damages settlement amount.

Take Advantage of Our No Fee Guarantee®

We know times might be tough after a TBI accident. We will do our best to secure a favorable outcome for you.

Are you wondering whether you can afford to hire an accomplished Alabama law professional to defend your rights? To ensure that families throughout Alabama can benefit from our essential services, we offer all clients our No Fee Guarantee® :

  1. You should have the information you need to make good decisions. Initial consultations are always free. Since there is no obligation for a case evaluation, there is no reason to hesitate. 
  2. Legal representation should not depend on your economic status. Unless we get compensation for your claim, you won’t owe us anything. 

Why You Should Contact Alabama Brain Injury Attorneys Without Delay

Supporting the recovery of an individual with traumatic brain injuries takes a lot of attention. At Norris Injury Lawyers, our goal is to ease your load as much as possible. Knowing that an experienced law firm is working for you can bring you peace of mind if you need to act quickly to meet Alabama deadlines for personal injuries.

In general, Alabama brain injury lawyers must begin legal proceedings within 2 years of the TBI incident. The sooner you get in touch, the quicker our Alabama personal injury lawyers can start building your case.

Our team will take the time to listen to you and answer all your questions. Your family’s future doesn’t have to be left at stake. Contact us today. Schedule a free claim analysis at (800) 477-7510. Or visit our law office at 201 Vulcan Rd, Birmingham, AL, 35209.