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Compensation For Mesothelioma

What is Mesothelioma?

Malignant mesothelioma is a cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs, stomach, heart, and/or other organs. 100% of mesothelioma cases are presumed to be caused by asbestos exposure, even if it has been decades since that exposure occurred. In fact, most mesothelioma cases are diagnosed 20-40 years after exposure. In nearly every mesothelioma case, victims (or their surviving family members) are entitled to large sums of compensation for the illness, pain, and suffering they have endured.

Why? Because negligent companies exposed thousands and thousands of workers to asbestos, knowing the risks of chronic illness and death that it posed to workers. These companies avoided the facts in order to make money off of the mining, manufacturing, and use of asbestos-rich products. Diligent attorneys fought for these unknowing victims and trust funds were created to hold compensation for the thousands of people that today would suffer the terrible consequences of mesothelioma.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related cancer, give Norris Injury Lawyers a call. We will help you establish your case and file your claim for compensation.

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What Should You Expect From a Mesothelioma Attorney?

Immediately make travel arrangements to come meet with you face-to-face.

Listen to your story, dreams, heartbreak, and concerns.

Investigate and gather evidence, to make your case the strongest it can be.

Provide regular updates

Assemble the best possible legal team to fight for maximum compensation.

How Can an Attorney Help?

If your doctor has diagnosed you with mesothelioma, you are almost certainly entitled to significant compensation from companies that manufactured, distributed, or installed the asbestos to which you were exposed. Because of the complexities of mesothelioma litigation, entrusting your case to a legal team with the knowledge and experience essential to enhance your case and defend your legal rights is mandatory.

Norris Injury Lawyers is highly experienced in handling asbestos-related cancer cases. We care about our clients and focus on getting them the compensation they deserve. Mesothelioma is a heart-wrenching diagnosis that destroys hopes and dreams. We’re here to help preserve your dignity and protect and provide for your family’s future.

The Process

Opening a mesothelioma case may seem intimidating. That is why we are here to help.

We know what to do because we have over 40 years of legal experience and thousands of successfully handled asbestos cases. You can rest easy knowing that your case is being handled by a team of professionals with years of expertise with asbestos claims. We’ll do the hard work for you and figure out what kind of compensation you’re entitled to.

Please contact us if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, colon/rectal cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, or pharyngeal cancer. We’ll go over your employment history and see if asbestos exposure was a factor in your cancer.

Step 1: Call Norris Injury Lawyers

If you have received a mesothelioma diagnosis or have had a loved one die of mesothelioma, give us a call. Under our No Fee Guarantee® there is no cost for your initial call and consultation. In fact, you don’t owe us a dime unless we get you money.

Step 2: Work History Investigation

If your case meets the initial criteria, we will proceed to investigate your work history for any possible exposure to asbestos. We will look into details such as job sites, the positions you worked in, and timeframes prone to asbestos exposure.

Step 3: Assemble a Legal Team

We will assemble a qualified legal team who can best fight for maximum compensation. We will work to gather the necessary experts, medical documentation, and proof to substantiate your claim.

Step 4: Pursue Compensation

Once a valid mesothelioma case has been prepared, your legal team will coordinate and pursue compensation. Many mesothelioma cases qualify for litigation as well as filing claims with asbestos bankruptcy trusts.

Client Testimonials

The History of Asbestos

There was no control on how much asbestos a product might contain until the late 1900s. Asbestos made up as much as 25% of piping and insulation in many cases. Some items, such as asbestos paper used to wrap pipes, could, however, be constructed completely of the substance.

Asbestos was widely utilized due to its high heat resistance, but it was later determined to cause cancer. In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a ban on the use of asbestos in items that had never before contained the chemical.

Asbestos use is still allowed today, albeit on a considerably smaller scale. Asbestos-containing items can now only contain asbestos if it makes up less than 1% of the product.

Living with Mesothelioma

A diagnosis of mesothelioma is a blow to both the victim and his or her loved ones. When you’ve received such a diagnosis, it can be hard to think of anything else. If you’re facing such a reality, it’s important not to lose sight of the most important aspects.

Medical Treatment

Do your homework to be sure that you are receiving the best medical treatment available, including pain management. The months following your diagnosis of mesothelioma will undoubtedly be a difficult period. It’s important to make sure that you are receiving quality medical care to treat the cancer. Have you read experiences or spoken to others who have or are going through the same experience? Do you feel confident that the care you are receiving is the best possible? If so, and once treatment is no longer an option, you should look into ways to relieve the physical pain this cancer is causing. Preparing yourself for the future is one of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself after a diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Live Your Life to the Fullest

Now is the time to devote your energy to the relationships that matter most to you. Whether it be with your spouse, family members, or friends, spend all of the time you can memorializing these relationships. This doesn’t just benefit you–it gives your loved ones quality time to spend with you.


Your mesothelioma diagnosis is one that should never have happened, because you should have been warned of the risk of asbestos exposure. Because of the correlation between mesothelioma and asbestos, financial compensation is nearly always available for asbestos victims who exercise their legal right to receive the justice they deserve. The compensation you receive can be used to fulfill “bucket list” items, care for yourself during your treatment, and provide for your family members and loved ones.


What if I don’t know if I was exposed to asbestos?

You could have been exposed to asbestos without ever realizing it. The majority of people were unaware that they were exposed to asbestos at work. We will examine your employment history and assist you in determining when and where asbestos exposure occurred.

Can smokers develop mesothelioma from asbestos?

Even if you smoke, you may be eligible for asbestos trust payments. Smokers who have also been exposed to asbestos are more likely to be diagnosed with mesothelioma. We have been successful in recovering asbestos bankruptcy trust funds for individuals who were heavy smokers.

Does filing a mesothelioma claim affect my retirement?

Any asbestos money you get does not reduce your earned Social Security benefits, VA benefits, or your pension. Ask us any questions you may have.

What products contain asbestos?

Asbestos is found in thousands of industrial items. Companies began using asbestos-containing products on a large scale in the early 1940s. There was no control on how much asbestos a product might contain until the late 1900s. Asbestos is still acceptable in today’s products if they consist of less than 1% asbestos. More than 3,000 goods with significantly more than 1% asbestos content were manufactured in the 1970s.

  • Foundries
    • Boilers
    • Furnaces
    • Ovens
    • Pipe Insulation
    • Pumps
    • Tanks
    • Valves
  • Manufacturing Plants
    • Assembly Equipment
    • Boilers
    • Drill presses
    • Furnaces
    • Grinding machines
    • Ovens
    • Pipe Insulation
    • Pumps
    • Seals
    • Valves
  • Construction
    • Adhesives
    • Electrical panels
    • Electrical wiring
    • Fireproofing
    • Flooring tiles
    • Gaskets
    • Insulation
    • Paint
    • Pipe insulation
    • Sealers
    • Valves
    • Wallboard
  • Military
    • Boilers
    • Cement
    • Fireproofing
    • Gaskets
    • Insulation
    • Pipe Insulation
    • Pumps
    • Sealants
    • Valves
  • Automotive
    • Brake shoes
    • Brake pads
    • Clutches
    • Gaskets
    • Transmissions

Did manufacturers know the risk of asbestos exposure?

They did, in fact. They also failed to alert workers about the dangers of extended asbestos exposure. When employees began filing lawsuits, several asbestos manufacturers sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. These manufacturers were required to establish asbestos bankruptcy trusts to compensate those who had been hurt by their products in the future.